Wrapped and Ready!  Bellevue Commons staff preparing for deliveryWindermere Bellevue Commons has made the season brighter for thirteen local families ‘adopted’ through the Boys and Girls Club of Bellevue. For a third year, the Bellevue Commons office has supported the Adopt-a-Family initiative. Agents and staff recently purchased, wrapped and delivered holiday gifts according to individual family wish lists.

“These children have items separated into needs and wants which makes you want to provide everything on their list, and our agents have been passionate about doing just that,” notes branch manager, Jennifer Johnsen. “Many have personally donated items to create a more magical experience.”

Brokers Kenny Pleasant and Scott Cameron of Bellevue Commons are long time supporters of the Adopt-a-Family program and suggested their Windermere colleagues get involved. In three years, the office has grown its support from nine adoptive families to thirteen.

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