Way back in the dark ages when I first started going to rock concerts, there were a couple of different ticketing agencies that were used.  The ticketing industry was just getting started and there was no widely used internet – the only computers were owned by the government or universities.

No, you could not order tickets online, but you could go camp out in front of your local record store (which was probably your local ticket outlet) and wait all night to be among the first in line for the privilege to purchase a ticket to see your favorite bands.  Back then the fees that ticket agencies charged were a lot more reasonable than the ridiculous fees they hit us with these days.  And there was only one extra charge – not all the different extra fees like “convenience fee” or any of that.

Today, we are much more fortunate.  Although many venues are unfortunately contracted with one provider, the good news is that there are some other options for <a title="online ticketing software” href=”http://www.blackbaud.co.uk/products/ticketing/bbe_ticketing.aspx” target=”_blank”>online ticketing software.  Many event producers, arts and cultural organizations want to use ticketing software online that is most friendly for their ticket buyers – most convenient with the lowest fees possible.  Other times, an organization might want to keep a percentage of the fees charged through ticketing.

There are actually some options that can sell tickets not only online, but also at certain venues and events – some with their own touch screen ordering systems, and of course by telephone, which is sometimes the easiest way for ticket buyers to spend their money.

What online ticketing system does your arts or cultural organizations use for your events?  I’m very curious to hear about various options.

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