Smiley Dog FREE healthy pet food delivery area map for Seattle area pet loversSorry Bellevue, Redmond, Issaquah, Sammamish and Mercer Island pet lovers – you do not live in Smiley Dog’s FREE healthy pet food delivery service area.  With headquarters in Edmonds, they only service as far south as Kirkland on the Eastside of Lake Washington.  The good news is that they can deliver to your office anywhere that is in their delivery area.

Smiley Dog does happily deliver healthy pet food to homes and offices from Everett to Tukwila on the other side of the lake and bridges.  So if you live or work in Lynnwood, Edmonds, Shoreline, Mountlake Terrace, Queen Anne, Magnolia, Downtown Seattle, Capital Hill, West Seattle, Ranier Valley, South Seattle – you are golden and can sign up for Smiley Dog’s Automatic Pet Food Delivery Service – and never have to worry about running out of your pet’s food ever again.

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