Kirkland-based Gregorek and Associates PLLC is the Eastside Business Directory Business of the Day!  Here is the information from their listing:

Gregorek and Associates, PLLC

Legal representation and counseling to individuals, families, and businesses. Our practice is focused in the following related areas: business formation, planning and succession; asset protection; retirement planning; wills and trusts; trust and estate administration, settlement and probate; elder law; guardianships, lifetime and testamentary charitable planning; children’s and special needs trusts; insurance trusts; and a diversity of real estate matters. Our counseling, plan designs, and drafting utilize the firm’s exclusive Wealth Plan System™ philosophy for both personal and business success.
3450 Carillon Point
Kirkland, WA 98033
You can find attorney Rick Gregorek on LinkedIn and  please ‘Like’ Gregorek and Associates on Facebook.

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