On KBCS-FM, 91.3 ( A World of Music and Ideas)
Archived program
This program has been videotaped and will also be available for viewing on the BTV website (City of Bellevue) in approximately one month.
Click on White Privilege show hosted by Heidi Lang
Guests on VOD were Educator and activist Eddie Moore, Jr. is the founder of the annual White Privilege Conference. He currently serves as Director of Diversity at The Bush School in Seattle.
Tilman Smith is an educator and consultant. Tilman worked on anti-bias education at Pacific Oaks College Northwest for many years. She now works at Child Care Resources, a nonprofit in Seattle, and acts as a consultant to organizations wanting to understand how racism impacts their work.
Jarrel Williams is a member of Youth Undoing Institutional Racism. Youth Undoing Institutional Racism is a program of the American Friends Service Committee. It develops anti-racist leadership and organizing skills among a core group of multi-racial high school age youth in Seattle.
Marita DeLeon is a Program Assistant at Solid Ground. Solid Ground is a community service organization that advocates for public policies and private initiatives that give all people equal opportunities and resources.