Happy Independence Day! Declare Independence from Host Gator

Declare Your Independence from HostgatorI’m Declaring Independence from HostGator

I just noticed that I have not posted on this site for well over a year.  Priorities – like being a Stay at Home Dad to the most awesome child actress Ava Kalea.  Yeah – important stuff – and super important to my design of an awesome lifestyle.

But I digress ….  Over the last week or so, I have received numerous notices from my website monitoring service that this site has not been loading …  What kind of crappy web host doesn’t load their client’s websites?  Hostgator.  Hostgator has proven to be one of the worst possible web hosts on the planet.  Earlier this year I moved most of my many websites to SiteGround for their award-winning webhosting.  Site Ground’s customer service is second to none and I’ve only had a positive experience with Site Ground web hosting.

If you still have a site, or sites (like me unfortunately) hosted by HostGator, I know you (and your website(s)) have been suffering.  I feel your pain.  I’ve had the same friggin stress and agony.  Continue reading “Happy Independence Day! Declare Independence from Host Gator”